Hinds Community College Blog

CTE from A to Z: Marketing - Fashion Merchandising

Posted by Cindy West on Fri, Jan, 23, 2015 @ 08:01 AM

Fashion Merchandising Students

What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you possess communication skills, creativity, a competitive spirit and strong visualization skills? If you answered yes to any of these qualities, you should explore Fashion Merchandising as a career path. 

Fashion Merchandising is a program of study designed to provide specialized instruction in all phases of fashion merchandising in order to prepare students for careers in the fashion and its related professions such as manager, wardrobe consultant, buyer, sales representative, visual merchandiser and boutique owner.  A combination of classwork and practical experience is stressed. In the program, students sketch fashion designs, create a fashion line, design fashion trend boards, apply various makeup application techniques, design digital fashion makeovers, create textiles, sample box and create numerous other fashion projects. Some students also take an introductory sewing class.  

What Fashion Merchandisers Do?

Fashion merchandising jobs require a blend of fashion, marketing, and business expertise. Fashion merchandising incorporates all of the processes in the fashion business ranging from producing, product development, promoting, and buying and selling fashion items, such as clothing, accessories, jewelry, cosmetics, and shoes. Essentially, fashion merchandisers select items to purchase that are then sold in their stores, creatively display products to customers, and develop other strategies to resourcefully market their merchandise. A fashion merchandiser may work for a textile manufacturer, a designer, or a fashion retail store.

Where Are The Jobs In This Field?

According to the Mississippi Department of Labor, jobs in retail trades are projected to be the second highest area of job growth in Mississippi over the next ten years with approximately 5,000 new jobs being created in Central Mississippi in retail, clothing, accessories, and general merchandise stores. In fact, the Mississippi Department of Employment Security projects 3,320 new jobs in Sales and Related Occupations for the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area through 2018 with first-line supervisors/managers earning an entry-level wage of $11.38 to $19.32 per hour as of April 2012. MDES also projects 1300 new jobs by 2018 in Management Occupations with entry-level wage estimates at $19.27 per hour or $40,080 per year. High energy professional fashion positions and the opportunities for advancement are unlimited for those with initiative and ability.

Need More Information?

This program is located on the Rankin and Raymond campuses of Hinds Community College.  For more information about the Fashion Merchandising program located on the Raymond campus, contact Ebony Robinson (Ebony.Robinson@hindscc.edu) at 601.857.3228.  For more information about the program on the Rankin campus, contact Jane Foreman (JEForeman@hindscc.edu) at 601.936.5502. 

Topics: Hinds Community College, Hinds CC, CTE, Career Tech program, Design, fashion merchandising, fashion, career and technical program, sewing