Do You Possess These Skills?
Business skills. They must manage every aspect of their business. This includes reaching out to prospective clients, handling their finances, and advertising their services.
Interpersonal skills. Strong interpersonal skills are essential for employees in business and marketing management, because they spend much of their time interacting with supervisors, staff and clients. To attract and keep clients, they must be pleasant, enthusiastic, and trustworthy.
Organizational skills. Business and marketing managers must be able to work independently, managing their own time and organizing, planning, and prioritizing their work.
If you answered yes, then you possess some of the skills needed to be successful in the world of marketing management. Other skills used in this industry are computer skills as well as proficiency using social media of all forms. Business and marketing managers must have excellent oral and written communication skills as well as the ability to establish and maintain personal relationships with supervisors, staff members and clients. It is beneficial for persons in this field to be mature, creative, highly motivated, flexible and decisive.

What Marketing Managers Do?
Marketing involves creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging ideas, goods, or services that have value to customers and is one of the major components of business management. The success of a business is crucial to understanding the importance of marketing. At some point in an individual’s career they will most likely engage in activities related to marketing.
Advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales managers coordinate their companies' market research, marketing strategy, sales, advertising, promotion, pricing, product development, and public relations activities. In small firms, the owner might assume all responsibilities while in large firms an executive vice president directs overall advertising, marketing, promotions, sales, and public relations policies.
Will I Be Able To Find Employment?In every business around the globe, regardless of type, marketing and management is the root of them all. All businesses buy and sell products or services of some type. They advertise, conduct community public relations, manage employees and business operations, and utilize computer technologies through the Internet, inventory systems, multimedia, social media, and e-commerce. If not for marketing and management, the standard of living we all enjoy throughout the country would not exist.
In fact, the Mississippi Department of Employment Security projects 3,320 new jobs in Sales and Related Occupations for the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area through 2018 with first-line supervisors/managers earning an entry-level wage of $11.38 to $19.32 per hour as of April 2012. MDES also projects 130 new jobs by 2018 in Management Occupations with entry-level wage estimates at $19.27 per hour or $40,080 per year. Professional positions and the opportunities for advancement are unlimited for those with initiative and ability.
Need More Information?
The Marketing Management Technology program of study is designed to provide specialized occupational instruction in management, e-business, advertising, public relations, human resources, professional sales, and multimedia presentations. In the program, students design advertising campaigns, create a business plan for opening a new business, create a corporate training manual, develop PowerPoint presentations for business, and utilize numerous additional hands-on learning projects related to business and marketing.
This program is located on the Rankin and Raymond campuses of Hinds Community College. For more information about the Raymond Campus Marketing Management program, contact Ebony Robinson via email at or by phone at 601.857.3228. For more information about the Rankin Campus Marketing Management program, contact Jane Foreman via email at or by phone at 601.936.5502.