Want A Career That Takes You Places? Think Commercial Truck Driving!

­How many times have you heard and/or seen the old saying “keep on truckin’?” While people typically use this expression to encourage others in tough and troubling situations, it can also serve as a reminder of a potentially rewarding career opportunity.

In Hinds Community College, Career/Technical Programs, CDL, Truck Driving, KLLM Transport Services

Too Cool for School?

In Hinds Community College, college, classroom behavior, faculty, English

To Everything, There is a Season...

It's that time of year again, you know, the one of leaves falling and students contemplating their next moves. I have the bittersweet feeling of letting go, preparing myself as students move on to other courses, teachers, paths, just as I have truly begun to know and appreciate their diverse personalities. This time of year, I find myself meandering across campus in the early a.m. light and considering more than what I will cook for dinner later.

Instead, I mull over what to say to my students, especially as the semester approaches its closing with some of them considering withdrawing, perhaps even giving up completely. I can relate to those feelings of frustration and almost resignation. When I was an undergraduate at Mississippi State, I too had those feelings of being in a rat-race of papers, exams, responsibilities, bills, social events, family drama, work schedules. The list goes on. In fact, I withdrew the spring semester of my sophomore year. First of all, I was facing the dilemma of changing my major from Secondary Education to English, but that decision was not even remotely as stressful as knowing that my father was near death in a hospital bed of UAB.

In Hinds Community College, Raymond Campus, Student Life, college

Student Life at Hinds Community College: Fall 2012 Edition

Here's our latest YouTube video on student life at HindsCC! Subscribe to our youtube channel to see new videos as we add them.

In Hinds Community College, YouTube, Video, Fun, Student Life, college