10 Ways to Become a President’s or Deans' Scholar

Posted by De’Shane Frye on Wed, Nov, 01, 2017 @ 16:11:00 PM


Just recently in the spring 2017 semester, it was announced that I along with many others made the Deans’ List. Statistically, it was my best semester to date here at Hinds Community College, culminating with a 3.6 GPA. 

Honestly, achieving this feat didn’t come without its peaks and valleys. For example, although I’m a huge fan of sleep, there were many nights where an all-nighter seemed like the only option for a good grade. There are a lot of ways to become a scholar, but 10 ways stand out significantly. So, here are 10 ways to become a President’s or Deans’ Scholar.

  1. No Procrastination!!!

Being the first entrant on our list, procrastination seems to be most students’ coup de grace. The best way to avoid procrastination, is to not do it to begin with. Whenever an assignment is due, do your best to get started on it as soon as possible.

  1. Treat Every Day As If You Are Graduating

The phrase “treat every day as if it were your last” ties directly in to this next point. Use this as a guideline that’ll keep you focused on the ultimate prize. There is always something to do, even though at times there may seem like there isn’t.

  1. Get Involved

In class, an instructor shouldn’t feel as if they are talking to themselves. They are here to educate, yes; however, it is our responsibilities as students to let them know that messages are being received. Answer questions, and if you don’t have the answer, ask an intelligent question that shows you are listening. After your question is answered, store the answer for future use because it just may pop up on a test or a quiz.

  1. Make Time your Ally and Not Your Nemesis

Time is a two-sided coin that could land on either side. The best way to make time your ally is to ration it out appropriately. If not, all could be lost, and things can slip from order. Once it has elapsed, there is no possible way it could return.

  1. Study in Advance

Let’s be honest: studying isn’t exactly the most fun thing in the world, but it does pay off. Studying for a test a least a week and half before will virtually guarantee a good grade. However, if one decides to cram at the last minute, it may produce last minute results.Shane Frye.jpg

  1. Think Positive

This maybe a bit cliché, but positive thinking really does carry students far on their academic careers. Just thinking about having a great semester can be a blueprint one to carve a positive path during the 16 weeks.

  1. Communicate

There are going to be times when the workload gets heavy. When things are going to seem out of reach. That is why the students have instructors. They are here to assist and help guide the students down the path to success. Though they are here to educate, they cannot read minds. Show initiative and say that you aren’t completely understanding the material.

  1. Use Credible Resources

This does not only pertain to English composition class. In other class settings like history, public speaking and even science, students are required to complete a written assignment that may require outside sources. Once that particular assignment is complete, please cite the sources and their origins.

  1. Take a Break When Necessary

Sometimes, schoolwork can be strenuous and even seem endless. Whenever that feeling comes around, stop what you’re doing and take break. Set a timer for a certain time and let your brain rest. The more relaxed you are, the better your productivity.

  1. Get to Class on Time

The most important item on our list is actually the most underrated. Getting the lesson is important, so even missing five minutes could set someone back an entire day. By arriving to class on time, you not only have all the information, but an easy head-start on a potential assignment.

Doing these things isn’t easy, trust me. However, scoring a major victory like getting on the Deans’ or President’s List has long-term gratifications. The workload, the all-nighters and the constant worrying about what’s next is only temporary. Out of a million things that students could do, just these few are a great start to being one of the best in your school.

De’Shane Frye is a sophomore at Hinds Community College majoring in communications. He received the College Public Relations Association of Mississippi scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year.