February 6, 2013 | by Christi Reynolds
On February 2, 2013, residence life students from Hinds attended MREAL 2013 at Mississippi State University.
February 6, 2013 | by Megan Ware
Hey yall!
February 4, 2013 | by Danielle Creel
January 18, 2013 | by Christi Reynolds
How many of you actually go to the cafeteria and say good morning to the cashier, or say thank you to the ladies and/or gentlemen in the lunch line for your food? I've noticed that this is something that the cafeteria workers rarely hear from the average college student.
January 15, 2013 | by Cathy Hayden
November 12, 2012 | by Danielle Creel
I’ve always been the kind of student who went home on the weekends. And who could blame a girl? Campus is dead, there’s never ANYTHING to do… Or is there? This past weekend, I chose to stay in Raymond. This is a very rare occasion, but since I had a big paper to work on I figured I would save a little gas money. Now as nice as Allen Dukes Whitaker is, a girl can get very bored staring at four walls and a computer for hours at a time. Eventually I decided that I would go get some exercise and walk around the block for a little while. Not gonna lie, I was avoiding working on that paper.