November 23, 2015 | by Jamie Nash
Hinds Community College held their annual Eagle Beauty Revue pageant this past Thursday, November 19, at Cain-Cochran Hall on the Raymond campus.
August 24, 2015 | by Jamie Nash
June 5, 2015 | by Jamie Nash
Virtual and online courses are becoming more and more popular for those who need an education "on-the-go" that is flexible and self-paced. It can be a little scary if you're just starting to look for different online degree options in Mississippi, so here is a little background information about MSVCC and how it all works:
May 14, 2013 | by Jamie Nash
It's hard to believe it's graduation time again! It seems like yesterday Hinds CC students and faculty were returning from the holiday break and preparing for the new semester. I guess the old cliché "time flies when you're having fun" is true.
December 11, 2012 | by Jamie Nash
If you're graduating this semester, congratulations! You've completed the course work for your Associate's Degree at Hinds Community College and are ready for graduation! Listed below are a few important details you'll need to know for your big day! If you aren't graduating this semester, don't worry; you can still participate in graduation festivities (scroll down to find out how)!
November 27, 2012 | by Jamie Nash
How many times have you heard and/or seen the old saying “keep on truckin’?” While people typically use this expression to encourage others in tough and troubling situations, it can also serve as a reminder of a potentially rewarding career opportunity.
October 31, 2012 | by Jamie Nash
I will be presenting a one-hour session for faculty and staff showcasing how Hinds Community College uses social media on a daily basis. During this session, I will cover popular social media tools such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube and explain how Hinds CC uses them to answer inquiries, publicize news/events and create a strong online presence. I will also be happy to answer questions you have about social media.