August 18, 2016 | by Cathy Hayden
By Hinds CC Information Technology
Hello, Hinds Family! Alexis here, and I bring you greetings from the Information Technology Department. If you’ve seen a little rectangular piece of paper around your campus, it could possibly be your Fall 2016 Tech Checklist. The checklist is very beneficial in increasing your awareness of Hinds’ tech tools.
August 15, 2016 | by Cathy Hayden
As luck would have it, my phone was on vibrate and hidden in my purse. I was at a weekly post-Cursillo meeting at my church. But when I pulled it out around 6:45 on Monday, Aug. 1, I saw lots of missed phone calls and urgent text messages.
August 10, 2016 | by Cathy Hayden
June 17, 2016 | by Cathy Hayden
For many people who work on a college campus, the summer is a slower time. Many instructors take the summer off, and, without summer access to federal Pell Grant, we have fewer students. There is no fighting for parking spaces.
February 5, 2016 | by Cathy Hayden
The Powerball mania a few weeks ago spurred a spate of social media posts along the lines of what would you do if you won several million dollars in the lottery. It’s a nice fantasy but the chances of winning are pretty slim, although someone has to win. It might as well be me, right? But first I would have had to buy a ticket, and a trip to Louisiana just wasn’t in my plans.
November 20, 2015 | by Cathy Hayden
Did you know that someone can make $120,000 in Mississippi painting the large 18-wheeler trucks?