July 1, 2016 | by Tammi Bowles
This blog post, without a doubt, is the one that I have been looking forward to writing more than any other! This blog post is about my Hinds graduation!
April 22, 2016 | by Tammi Bowles
“Congratulations Graduate! Your cap and gown can be picked up at the campus you listed on your graduation application starting Tuesday, April 26 thru Friday, May 6.”
February 26, 2016 | by Tammi Bowles
December 18, 2015 | by Tammi Bowles
As the end of this semester here at Hinds Community College wraps up, I am thinking about the many things I need to do as I am looking forward to my last semester here as a part-time student. As I have said in one of my past bogs, http://hub.hindscc.edu/blog/bid/360775/My-Latest-and-Possibly-Greatest-Challenge I am one of those adult students who has gone back to school after many years of working. It has taken me a couple of years, but if all goes well, after the dreaded college algebra class (that I am taking in the spring,) I should be able to walk across that stage in May with my Associate's degree! So of course I am thinking about what lies ahead, and what I need to do to stay focused on my goal. Maybe these tips will help others who are transitioning to a four-year college as an adult…or at least maybe they will help me stay focused!
October 23, 2015 | by Tammi Bowles
Tailgating at Hinds Community College may not be the same as tailgating at a university, but it’s still tailgating. For this blog I decided to show a bit about how much fun can be had at a Hinds CC tailgating. This season Hinds decided to have some special events before each home game. So no matter who you are, or when you went to Hinds, or what you did there, there was a tailgate for you!
September 3, 2015 | by Tammi Bowles
July 31, 2015 | by Tammi Bowles
I am sure there are many out there, just like me, who have thought about going back to school for a long time. Well I finally did it about a year ago, and could not be happier about my decision. I wrote my first blog about this great challenge back in February, click here to read: http://hub.hindscc.edu/blog/bid/360775/My-Latest-and-Possibly-Greatest-Challenge